Friday, November 15, 2013

Conscious Living: Wrap Up

Hi guys, I am happy, but also sad to say that this is the wrap up for the Conscious Living Series. 
I had a couple of amazing guest posters and truly enjoyed sharing my journey to a more sustainable, conscious lifestyle with you all. Please visit both Autumn & Jenni's blogs to view some of their posts and thank you so much for joining me here to discuss conscious living. 

I hope that in some way this has kick started your brains into wondering how you can make small changes to your everyday lives to help the environment. 
I know I have felt an immense sense of gratitude for what I have when I put into perspective the amount of work that goes into everything. I'm sure you have all experienced this in your sewing/crafting endeavors. Right? 
You realize that shirt you bought without much thought has a whole new meaning after you've sewn one up. 

Here's a recap of the posts! 
Click the photo to read each post. 

Wk. 1: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.


Jenni from Just Stuff Guest Post
Jenni from Just Stuff's Guest Post

 Wk. 2: Composting

 Wk. 3: Gardening/Canning

 Autumn from Cottington's So Crafty Deodorant Guest Post
Autumn from Cottington's So Crafty's Guest Post

Thank you all so much for stopping in to discover something new. 

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