Friday, February 22, 2013

Smashbook style Yearly Album

Lately I have been tackling those projects left for *another day* ... you know, the ones that you had great intentions to finish but never actually did. 

To start: My craft room has seen a lot of sewing lately, but almost NO papercrafting. It's really taken a backseat to my sewing, which is totally fun but the albums are looking bare and I promised myself I would realistically use them, thus justifying my purchase. Plus, I do enjoy looking back at them. 
I just don't need shelves and shelves of them. 
Plus, storing things is not something I enjoy doing. 
I could never be a hoarder, I purge whenever I feel like clutter is creeping in on me. 

So I got back on it this afternoon as the kids slept. 

I like that it doesn't need to be over complicated or anything. It's simply DOING it rather than losing the memories that makes me happy. I still need to sort through my facebook posts to get some more of the cute things lily says. We call them lily-isms and I commonly post them. 

Quick backgrounds& october afternoon cut outs make for easy work. 

& of course there's washi tape involved. Is it considered scrapbooking without it? oh probably somewhere. Around this house, they go hand in hand. 

What a horribly blurry photo, but I was quickly snapping them on my cell phone... : /

I feel a bit relieved now that I know I have the bulk of it done. Maybe 3 more photos that are on order to add and the quotes.. touch up's will continue until May when we switch to her 5 yr old book! 

This is the second year I've used this book purchased on etsy from 
Spunk&love. They're a really nice quality, the owner has always been prompt with my order, and you can have them personalized with your child's age, name, or a cute animal. 

check her out! 


  1. I love how simple they are. I've been hoarding, but so want to start getting rid of things! :D

    1. I'm also guilty of hoarding. I keep parking tickets& garment tags... all kinds of little random things that I'm learning to use or part with. It's almost the season to purge!


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