Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Festivus to the rest of us.

Good morning! It's so close to Christmas & I'm really excited to hand so many of my family members a little something I've handmade them. No I didn't pair it with lots of store bought goodies... why? Simply put, because more isn't better. I love Christmas for so many reason: the snow, the family, the thoughtful gifts, the unnecessary acts of kindness, the feeling of a global community. I also have many things I really dislike: my house gets trashed and crowded from all the gifts, my daughter can have streaks of "needing" everything or being sad that wishes don't get delivered to your lap, i DO NOT like to shovel. 
So this Christmas I am focusing on the things I love, and trying to save some stress for myself and others too. Less present, more meaning, more time spent DOING and less time spent GETTING. 

With that said, here are some of my handmade Christmas items. 

my niece syd loves octopuses. and orange.